Friday, February 12, 2016


Source : Azlita Masam Manis

Hi viewers, I'm back with new recipe for the year after few months.
A simple recipe which is very popular right now in all the social medias. Churros.....simple fritters originated from Spanish. Usually serve hot with chocolate dipping sauce or cinnamon sugar.  Frankly speaking this is my second attempt after failed with previous recipe. But this time I have succeed with new recipe sourced from Azlita Masam Manis. My son just loved it and he requested to do again next time. Even he helped me coat the churros with cinnamon sugar. He will be super excited when i request him to help me in the kitchen.

Ingredients :

1 cup of water
a pinch of salt
1 tbsp fine Sugar
15gm butter
1 cup Self Raising Flour
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence

Cinnamon Sugar
1/2 cup icing sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon


Combine sugar and cinnamon powder and keep aside.

Now combine together water, salt, sugar and butter in a medium saucepan. Bring it to boil.
Turn off heat. Stir in flour which already sifted together with baking powder if use normal flour. In this recipe I used self raising flour. Keep stirring the dough while adding the flour. Mix well. You will find it grainy texture. Next add in egg and vanilla essence. Beat the dough till all the ingredients well incorporate and the dough is spongy and smooth. Cool the dough while prepare for frying process.
Get a star nozzle to pipe the dough. Heat oil in a heavy bottom vessel or wok. Fill in the dough in a pastry bag. Pipe the dough straightway to the hot oil cutting to 4 to 5 inches length with kitchen scissors. Fry till golden browns. Toss in a kitchen towel and immediately sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.
Serve the churros warm with hot tea.... Yummy Churros for your tea time with your love ones!

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