Monday, April 13, 2015

Nasi Lemak Pandan (Screwpine Coconut Rice) with Chicken Sambal

Below is the conversation between mummy and son on one fine Sunday!

Me: Baby what do you want for breakfast?
Son: Can you please cook nasi lemak for me?
Me: Nasi Lemak??? Its too late to prepare nasi lemak now. Maybe I can cook it for lunch. Is it ok?
Son : Yeay! Yummy!

After Breakfast ...

Son : Amma, do we have all the ingredients at home to prepare nasi lemak?
Me:   Hmmm... I don't think so. We should go supermarket now to purchase some items.
Son : Alrite. Let me prepare the list.
(He went to his table to grab a piece of paper and pencil)
Son: Amma, what are the things we need to buy?
Me: Why not we do chicken sambal for the nasi lemak today?
Son : Sure. So, we need to buy some chicken right, Amma? (He wrote the first item, chicken in his list) We must  put Daun Pandang rite?
Me: What ???? Daun Pandang? Ha ha ha ... That's not Daun Pandang. Its Daun Pandan. You are such a clever boy. How you know that?
Son : I know because last time I saw u using it to cook. (Wrote down Daun Pandang again in the list. Then he strike out "Daun Pandang" and wrote Daun Pandan)
Son : What else we need?
Me : We should buy Santan, eggs and cucumber too.
Son : What is Santan? How to spell it?
Me : Oh, Santan is coconut milk  then I spell out the word Santan for him.

Once we have settled down on the ingredients, we went to the nearby supermarket.
At the supermarket he was busy cross checking with the checklist to ensure we didn't miss a thing.

Daun Pandan...check

Once we are back a home he helped out to clean and cut the Daun Pandan. A task that should have been completed within 2 minutes, took 20 minutes for him..He was very meticulous in cleaning the daun pandan.  Then he left to watch TV. He he he...

The whole idea to cook Nasi Lemak Pandan was solely because my son keep on mentioning the word Pandang  instead of Pandan. I felt this one was long overdue as I wanted to do this for some time already. With the addition of pandan juice in the rice, it will have more fragrance then normal the normal nasi lemak. That's all. Kids will like the colors and it will give them good appetite.

What are things needed :
Rice  - 2 cups
Pandan Leaves - 6
Coconut Milk - 100 ml
Water - 3 1/4 cup
Ginger - 1 inch

Method of Preparation :

  1. Wash the rice in clean water at least 2 times. Since I'm using Basmathi rice I soaked the rice with 1 cup of water for 20 min.
  2. Clean and cut the pandan leaves. Add little bit water and blend in the food processor. Squeeze the juice out and add into the soaked rice.
  3. Julienned the ginger and chop it.
  4. Add all the ingredients into the rice pot and let it boil until cooked. I use small quantity of trim coconut milk because coconut milk is not good for health.
  5. Nasi Lemak Pandan is ready to serve. Serve hot with your favourite sambal.

Today I'm going to serve with my favourite Chicken Sambal.

Things you need :

Chicken fillets -500 gm
Potatoes - 2
Tomatoes - 1
Onion -1
Lemongrass - 2 stalk
Tamarind juice - 3 tbsp
Turmeric powder
curry leaves

Sambal Paste :
Dry Chilies - 10
Garlic - 4
Ginger - 1/2 inch
Shallots - 3
Vinegar - 3 tbsp
Sugar - 2 tbsp
2 tsp oil

  1. Boil the dry chilies in hot water and remove the seeds
  2. Blend the chilly with all the ingredients for the paste.
  3. Slice chicken fillets into small chunks. Marinate with a 1 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of turmeric powder.
  4. Peel the potatoes and cubed. Rub with salt and turmeric powder.
  5. Heat oil in a skillet. Fry the potatoes and chicken chunks until golden brown. Keep aside.
  6. Slice onions and tomatoes finely.
  7. Add sliced onions, lemongrass, tomatoes and curry leaves into the skillet.
  8. Fry for few minutes until the the onions turned pinkish and tomatoes becomes pulpy.
  9. Add 5 tbsp of sambal paste and fry till oil floats on surface. Use low fire. Add little bit water if its too dry. 
  10. Add Tamarind water and let the gravy cook for few more minutes until the raw smell of chilly gone. 
  11. Add chicken and potatoes to the gravy. 
  12. Add 1/4 cup of thick coconut milk to the gravy. Add 1/4 water so that the chicken and potatoes thoroughly cooked and absorbed the spiciness. 
  13. Add some salt to taste. After 2 seconds turn off the fire. 

The Nasi lemak was served with Fry Egg Omelet and Cucumber raita! Indianized version of Nasi Lemak Pandan.

My Son really enjoyed his meal !

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