Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eggless Strawberry Mousse Cake

How I ventured into this recipe? Its a simple story. Happened to get free taste of this cake from a newly opened bakery in Cyberjaya. Taste good. Bought a piece. Hmmm... yummylicious! and next what? Must try it out myself!  Simply wants to try eggless version since navarathri just in corner. Luckily I have some strawberries left in my chiller. When I go through few recipes, I found that it really needs ample of time to get final product. So I bake the eggless sponge cake the a night before. The same recipe which I used in baking Eggless Tiramisu cake layers. The next morning I prepared the mousse, frosting and also the glaze. Since rushing, I'm not able to wait till 4 hours to let the cake set with the mousse. It was a bit messy dealing with mousse. By hook or crook I able to complete everything in jiff and shoot beautiful snap over my lovely cakes. Anyhow my advice is to wait 4 hours to let the cake set and assemble everything. It would be better way. Before I forgot need to mention here that I used 4 inch cake pan in this recipe. Therefore the sponge cake have to bake twice. Please refer the eggless sponge cake recipe here. Please omit the cappucino emulco.  The rest are the same.

Ingredients :
Strawberry mousse :
3 tbsp gelatin
2 cups sliced fresh strawberries
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup whipping cream

Strawberry Cheese Frosting:
8 oz Cream Cheese
1 tbsp strawberry paste
2 cups icing sugar

Strawberry Glaze:
1 cup Strawberry
1 tbsp Gelatin
1/4 cup sugar

Preparation Method:

Vanilla Sponge Cake -
 Please refer to Eggless Tiramisu Cake layer. Please omit cappucino flavor from that recipe.

Strawberry Mousse:
Sprinkle gelatin over 1/4 cup water in a small bowl. Let it dissolved for 5 minutes or more if needed. Meanwhile we can prepare the strawberry syrup.
Wash and slice the strawberries. Blend in a food processor. Strain to remove the seeds and pulp. Heat a saucepan. Heat the strawberries with sugar and bring to boil over medium high heat. Remove from heat. Add gelatin to strawberry mixture, stirring constantly till gelatin fully dissolves. Cover and chill for 30 minutes stirring occasionally.
Beat the whipping cream at low speed until foamy then increase the speed to medium high till soft peaks form. Fold in chilled strawberry mixture until well blended and cover and chill for another 30 minutes more or until the mixture thick enough to hold its shape.

Strawberry Glaze
Wash and slice the strawberry. Blend with sugar in a food processor. Heat the strawberry mixture in a pan. Bring to boil. Remove from heat. Dissolve gelatin in 1 tbsp of water and sprinkle to strawberry mixture. Stir to fully dissolve. Chill for 30 minutes before use. Stir occasionally.

Strawberry Cheese Frosting.
Beat the cream cheese in low speed until creamy. Add sifted sugar and add your speed to medium. Beat till soft peaks form. Add strawberry paste then continue for few seconds. Chill in fridge till use.

Assembling Cake.
Level the top layer of cake. Here I did not use strawberry syrup as some recipes mention, because I feel it will be too sweet. First level the top layer of cake. I kept the cake inside the springform cake pan. Then Scoop the mousse layer on top. Level it. Chill to set for 4 hours then remove from pan. If you have two cake pan, it will save your time. So that you an prepare two set of cake layer with mousse and chill in fridge for 4 hours at least. Then remove from cake pan. Stack with cake -mousse-cake -mousse.  Otherwise you set your first one then remove from the pan.  Keep aside then set the second layer with the same pan. . Put the first layer on top of the second set and chill. After 4 hours remove from the pan. Frost with cream cheese frosting. Glaze on top with strawberry glaze. Ready to serve. chilled.

My second cake just drizzle the glaze over.

The layers of the cake after chilled for 4 hours.

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