Friday, March 25, 2011

Mysore pak

Mysore pak rekindling memories of those days helping my mom in the kitchen. The worst part of stirring  mysore pak with hot bubbles popping up.  The best part when the paks melts in your mouth. Hmmm... Happy moments!

Normally on Friday's, it was a norm to prepare offerings  for prayers. So as i was triggered to try Mysore Pak on my own.  After 3 trials finally i got my perfect Mysore Pak at last.   Learned a lot from mistakes. The one my mom used to do very porous and crumble. When i use this recipe which referred to South Indian Cooking authored by Devagi Sanmugam, it was solid and slight porous.  Tastes great, until i had to hide it from my son.

Gram flour or Besan flour (kadalai mavu) was typical ingredient for Mysore pak besides sugar and ghee. Doing Mysore pak needs skill. When i tried this for the first few times, i had over cooked until crumble or over porous. Here i needed my mom's assistance to produce perfect product.

What you need :

  • 200 gm Gram flour

  • 1 tsp baking soda

  • 650 gm Sugar

  • 240 ml water

  • 500 gm ghee

  • pinch of cardamom powder

Preparation Method:

Dry roast gram flour in a pan until fragrant and brownish. Remove from heat and keep aside. Heat up heavy bottom vessel. Add sugar, water and ghee together. Dissolve all together and must wait for the right consistency. Normally it should thread consistency. Then add gram flour along baking soda slowly until all mix together. Add in cardamom powder as well. Stir continuosly until the batter thickens. Use slow fire to prevent burning. When the ghee starts to floats, it is the right time to remove immediately from the stove and transfer to a greased pan and set it quickly. Cut into desired shape immediately, because once cold it will crumble easily. Take note, that you have to prepare the grease pan before hand since you don't have single second to wait once pak reach the right consistency.

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