Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sardine Sandwich

Tired eating bread with jam and butter, why not stuff with sweet and spicy sardine. Perfect menu for breakfast or dinner. I remember during my school days, first time i learned to do Sardine Sandwich in my KH class.  Good old memories... Now i can prepare delicious sandwich with my own recipe.  I cannot eat sardine without cooking it first. That's why i must cook first with spicy chili powder to avoid the fish smell. Sardines actually rich in calcium and omega 3 fatty acids. It is one of the best source to obtain omega 3 fatty acids.  Added with wholemeal bread, you had make a wise choice of giving healthy and nutritious meal for your loved ones.

What you need for the sandwich:

Sardine gravy :

  • 1 can sardine mashed with the sauce

  • 2 tsp black pepper

  • 1/2 onion sliced

  • salt

  • 1 tbsp chili sauce

  • 1 tsp chili powder

  • 1 red chili sliced (opt)

  • 2 tsp calamansi juice

  • oil

Preparation Method :

  • Mashed the sardine fish.

  • Add pepper powder. Mix well.

  • Heat oil in pan. Add slice onions and saute for few minutes

  • Add chili powder. Sprinkle water to avoid burn.

  • Add mashed Sardine. Cook in slow fire for 5 minutes.

  • Add chilies and salt.

  • Finally add calamansi juice and turn off heat.

  • Keep aside.

For servings :

  • 2 eggs (boiled and mashed)

  • cucumber shredded

  • onion rings

  • Wholemeal bread slices

  • butter

Sandwich preparation :

  • Cut the bread into triangular shape.

  • Grease with butter.

  • Place a tbsp sardine gravy. Top with mashed eggs, onion rings and cucumber slices. Layer with another bread.

  • Follow the sequence again. Top with slice bread.

  • Sandwich is ready to be served.

Sardine Sandwich is perfect menu for picnic too!

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  2. Found your website by chance when looking up for mamak have not seen your website popping up before when I search for malaysian recipes...anyway this google chrome does wonder...btw when you mentioned KH ( Kemahiran Hidup) brought memories....though i was not in home science class...let me guess you must be either the first KBSM batch or I right....anyway kudos to your website...will be referring to your site freq...


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