Thursday, February 17, 2011

French Egg Toast

French toast define by the name, not really originated from French at first common breakfast which available almost all the coffe shops, cafe's in etc.  Bread dip with egg mixture  grilled with butter served with any sweet syrup.  Hmmmm............  its  delectable. My mom used to toast this bread when we were young.  At that time i was'nt know it was 'French Bread'. We keep on asking her to toast more till the last bread.  Time had changed. Now its my turn to toast it for my loving son.  Its a great way getting him to eat eggs. Basic recipe perfect for your breakfast.

Prepare the ingredients first

1. Bread slices

2. Butter

3. For the egg mixture :

  • 3 eggs

  • 1/2 cup milk

  • 2 tbsp brown sugar

  • pinch of salt

  • dash of cinnamon powder

Break the eggs in a wide bowl. Add milk, brown sugar, salt and cinnamon powder together. Whisk lightly with fork. In this recipe i have added brown sugar. It can be substituted with white crystal sugar as well.

Heat a griddle greased with a layer of butter.  Next, cut the bread into triangle shape.  Place the bread slices into the egg mixture bowl, let it soak carefully turn the other side. Let it coated both sides.  Then transfer it to hot griddle. Cook on one side first. Wait until turn golden brownish. Then turn to other side. Cook both sides well. Transfer to a plate. Serve hot with 'kaya' .  It can be serve with honey, maple syrup, jam and so on. Have a fluffy bread along with  a cup of brewed coffee!

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